10 11, 2016

Five tips for programming COMEXIO

After successful installation in the distribution you must necessarily deal with the programming. But how can I do this as effectively as possible, quickly and comprehensibly?

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In order to answer this question, we have compiled some tips

6 09, 2016

16 times Power with the Universal Actuator

16 relay outputs for lights, shutters, control valves and more. Each relay is able to switch consumers with up to a consumption of 16 A. Of course, with our integrated consumption measurement per relay block.

16 relay outputs for lights, shutters, control valves and

17 02, 2016

Do not forget: Light and Building from 13.3. – 18.3.

This year we are at the Light and Building back on the field again. At our stand you will experience not only the premiere of our latest innovations, but you can try some immediately.


Our numerous exhibits not only invite you to try but make you wanting more.


Why don’t you come and visit us and see

17 02, 2016

The COMEXIO APP has arrived!

Get access to your IO-Server directly with the COMEXIO APP on your iOS or Android smartphone or tablet!

Why an app at all? Everything works through the browser?

That’s true, but the APP also has many other features such as an automated login. It also automatically detects whether you have access to your system via the Internet

8 01, 2016

Virtual COMEXIO Server

On the COMEXIO website a virtual Comexio system is also available now.

Use the Demo Server to convince yourself of the latest software and be inspired for your project.

Live Demo: http://my.comexio.com/os/demo

Use the Demo Server to convince yourself of the latest software and be inspired for your project.

4 01, 2016

Do you know our new Demoboard?

This has a significantly greater range of functions than its previous version, despite more compact and lighter design.

In addition to the IO server it has a LED dimmer with a RGB and a warm white LED strips which can be controlled. As a result, extensive controls can be implemented, for example, color-coordinated lighting scenes.

It is

3 01, 2016

New: Prewired Smart Home distributions

Now you have the opportunity to obtain your pre-wired distributions optional of Comexio

By using these prefabricated distributions you can use resources for other projects and thus increase your sales without large additional expenditure significantly. The basic programming will take, next to the wiring effort, even much of the programming work from you and all at

1 01, 2016

A product firework for the new year

The Comexio Team wishes you a happy and successful new year!

There will be a lot of new innovative products of Comexio!

It’s worth it to stay on the ball!