Forget to turn down the heat? not with us!
Heating control
Set your personal comfort temperature for each room. Simply use a 0 – 10V room controller or set the room temperature conveniently via your tablet.
Heating off for ventilation
Forgetting to turn down the heater when ventilating can happen quickly. But in combination with window contacts, this will make your heating automatic in the future.
By the way: Use your window contacts simultaneously as an alarm system if, for example, a window is opened after 23 o’clock.
Everything at a glance
Create a clear visualization to have all room temperatures at a glance at any time. Or of course to see if a window is still open.
Selecting the right times
Do not heat unless you are at home. If you are at work during the day, simply switch off the heaters. And punctually 2 hours before you are back home the heaters start to heat up the rooms again. The calendar entries in COMEXIO OS.
Central function
You’re on vacation for three weeks? Then switch all your heaters to an antifreeze mode of 5°C. Either with a main button on the entrance door or by means of visualisation and your smartphone.
Be even more flexible
Use our EnOcean Unit and record all temperatures and window contacts completely without cables or batteries. Up to 256 units.